Alexandra Lermer is a freelance concept artist, illustrator and stop motion filmmaker based in Regensburg, Germany.
Alexandra's work is textured and sculptural, capturing haunted and expressive characters. Her artistic versatility has led her to design for a range of projects from short films to commercials to feature films.
Since graduating from Nuremberg Institute of Technology where she studied film & animation, illustration and graphic design, she has created concept art for the up-coming feature film "Nosferatu Reanimated" by Erik van Schaaik (Under The Apple Tree) as well as working on the debut feature film of Joseph Wallace (Salvation Has No Name).
Besides her design work, Alexandra is also a model maker, building sets for commercials as well as making puppets and props for her own projects. In 2016 she spent six months as an intern at Trikk17 in Hamburg where she was part of the fabrication team for various stop motion projects for children's television.
Her work was selected for Filmschoolfest Munich, one of the most important film festivals for young filmmakers in the world and she was selected to participate in the StopMoLab programme 2022 run by Momakin in Lodz, Poland where she was part of the Art Directors group mentored by Francesca Berlingieri Maxwell. She is currently working on her new short film.
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